Nobody wants to go to look out a window and realize that they can’t look past smudges, dirt, and smears. A pane of glass that should be clean and clear has now been contaminated with visible distractions and grime and makes your room feel dirty and unkempt. Though it’s good to stay on top of some general cleanliness on your own, like spraying down the glass and giving it a good rinse, sometimes it has gotten to desperate enough measures that hiring a professional is necessary. Here are some signs that indicate it’s a good idea to call in the experts to get your windows cleaned.
1. Smudges and Smears
Whether it’s from small children’s hands, wet dog noses, or regular use, everyone is familiar with the residual evidence of a smear on a window. Though common, they can still be bothersome and stubborn, obstructing the view through the otherwise clear pane. Once there are lots of smears on your windows, especially if you are tired of staying on top of the regular cleaning it might be a good indicator that you need to hire someone to clean. This can be helpful if you have many windows that need to be addressed or you have smudges in hard to reach places.
2. Mineral Build-Up
Hard water or sitting water that dries can lead to many unwanted marks on your windows. They usually show up as discolored or whitish spots, almost chalky in appearance. If you try to clean it yourself, then you run the risk of furthering the problem, if you are cleaning using the same hard water that the spots came from. Professional cleaners often have the right tools and cleaners to be able to not only get rid of the mineral build-up, but leave the window looking crystal clear.
3. Visible Dirt or Grime
Often found on the exterior side of the windows, many kinds of debris can stick and accumulate on the glass. Dust, pollen, and dirt are all common culprits. Though you may be tempted to spray down the windows with a hose, this can lead to water spots, not actually clean the window, or be ineffective if you’re trying to clean a window on an upper floor. A professional will be able to have the proper equipment to get the hard to reach areas and deal with the grime once and for all. They will also be able to address any dirt that may have collected in the nooks and crevices in your window sill or tracks.
4. Minimized Natural Light
Windows are a great source of natural light, making a space feel more open, inviting, and bright. When you start to notice that your space is feeling a bit more dark or the light is coming in filtered, that is a clear indicator that your windows need a good cleaning. If windows are not cleaned regularly, they will often develop a slight film composed of dirt, grease, or dust, usually as a result of gradual build-up. This can stain the glass and minimize the light in your room. Tackling the problem to start fresh is the best way to deal with this concern.
5. Impact on Curb Appeal
If your windows are drawing unwanted attention from passersby, it may be time to get a good washing. Though looks aren’t everything, it can definitely make a difference on the overall curb appeal and aesthetics of your home or business. It can be easy to dismiss small spots of dirtiness, but if you can notice the grime from a distance, it can make the building look less clean. Hiring someone can help deal with this so your windows look more clean and appealing.
Next Steps
If you notice one or more of the signs, then it’s time to hire a professional to get your windows cleaned. Professional cleaners, like at Emerald City Window Cleaning, not only have the experience to be able to do a good job quickly, but they have the right equipment and supplies to take care of any kind of windows.
Having the right cleaners and expertise can help preserve the windows, avoid damage, and leave the windows looking clean for longer. Emerald City Window Cleaners will give you high quality service and can accommodate any of your window-cleaning needs. After almost a decade of being in business, we have demonstrated and prioritized our community, employees, and customers. Reach out to schedule a service today!